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Wednesday 22 October 2014

144-Making Hills Grammarians proud of giving 100%

After speaking at The Hills Grammar School's sports presentation night last night, the head of School Council told me that "if silence was an indicator of a speech's success, you nailed it." Then when I got home, there was a note from one of the mothers present, saying "That was a brilliant speech...THANK YOU! Brilliant," and I realised my message had hit home.

I was trying to get the message across that sport can be more important in life than you may realise at the time - nobody can predict what the future has in store though, so all anyone can do is give 100% to the task in front of you and be proud of yourself.

I left the kids with one thought - if you think you've been hard done by in sport, or in life, remember that rain falls on the just and the unjust alike, but there comes a time when you just have to get over it and go and play in the puddles.

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