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Wednesday 4 June 2014

113-Kokoda training/info session postponed

If I were a racehorse, my nose would be smashed up against the starting barrier right now, and the race doesn't start until tomorrow.

I'm so excited about my trip to Kokoda in October next year that I've already paid my deposit, started training, and have started writing the script for the doco I'll be filming, but thanks to my other paid up Kokodarer, the Hound Dog, I've come to the realisation that I have gone WAY too early, and I need to calm the hell down.

In saying that, I have decided to postpone the training/info session planned for Sunday week until early next year. So for everyone I have been pressuring to commit to joining the trip, I apologise, and now lets all have a coke and a smile, and cross the Kokoda bridge when we come to it.

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